Friday, July 27, 2007

I Feel New.

Feeling new has nothing to do with spa or facials. It has to do with my new laptop. Don't ask me about the technological advantages of my new friend (I consider it a friend.) I was never a techie. But it is a good buy although I am still feeling my way through Windows Vista.

Bill Gates. Look what you have done. You have turned me into a slave. A Windows slave!

The brand? It's Acer.

There was no classes since it is the State of the Nuisance address of one terrifying female Hobbit. Thus I stayed in my room.

I also bought ice creams for our dorm wing in order to deliciously combat the cruel effects of global warming.

California Maki and Double Dutch ice cream. That is life.

Who said Thirld World countries suck?

Well if your president is a cheating midget - it does suck sometimes. I mean most of the times.

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