Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I Feel Lazy

I am currently slacking. Letting my research topic outline gather dust in my not-so-dusty study table. Hey. I noticed an anagram: DUSTY and STUDY. Hmmm...there is a connection. But I will still pass my papers after I get tired of blogging.

Yesterday, as I was surfing. I read from Blue Train that he considered my blog as one of the ten most influential. I wonder how influential? When I was still addicted to poetry, one of my friends said that it was just hormonal imbalance that led to me to writing verses. I guess the same scientific explanation applies to my blog addiction.

Last night, I got unexpected text message from our driver. Manong Rey sure knows the good news that I like. Apparently, my favorite PBA team - Alaska Aces - has won and set a seventh game duel with Talk N Text. It's been a long time since my beloved team had reached the championship. The last time they figured a seven games series was against Formula Shell in the 1996 Commissioner's Cup. I know my history. Oh. They won the series and went on to carve a grandslam masterpiece.(Mike Cortez is hot!)

I hope that Willie Miller and company would follow the marvelous footsteps of the past soldiers of the Uytengsu franchise and begin a new era of domination.
The goal tomorrow is to make Manny Pangilinan cry.

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